Wedges & Well-being:
A Workshop for
Exploring Life Satisfaction

This image has text “Wedges & Well-being: A Workshop for Exploring Life Satisfaction.” The text is left-aligned and on a dark green background. The Kind Impact Coaching logo is on the bottom right of the picture.

Join us for a live, online workshop, where we'll embark on a journey into exploring how satisfaction shows up in your life. During this 90-minute workshop, we’ll do an activity that identifies the various wedges of life. You’ll have the opportunity to consider these wedges of life, measure your current level of satisfaction, and create your own next step.

To register for an upcoming offering of this workshop and for more information, visit our Eventbrite page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is for individuals who are seeking more clarity and awareness within their life.

Will this workshop be recorded?

This workshop will not be recorded.