What would bring you ease?

I recently asked myself this question while working on a project.

Wondering about variables and how they could work together on a platform, I asked myself:

What would bring you ease?

Once I asked myself this question, I had clarity on how I wanted to move forward with the project.

This word, ease, has been alongside me since the beginning of my business research and development for Kind Impact Coaching. In early 2021, I started to create drawings and mindmaps, dreaming and reflecting on what I envision with Kind Impact Coaching.

Ease was a recurring word/ theme - a thread

woven within these drawings and reflections.

It's been a word that I’ve carried forward with me throughout these last few years.

Ease is a lens with how I support folks, a value of my coaching practice, and how I wish to feel.

With gratitude,


On Gratitude: Reflection Questions and Newly Acquired Knowledge